On this page
Menopause Support
Going through the menopause can be a difficult and stressful time.
In order to make sure you have the support you need we have put together a useful Menopause Guide with tips and advice on managing the many effects it can have.
- Menopause Guidance for managers and staff
- ‘Introduction to the Menopause’ Presentation
- NHS Menopause Programme
- 30-minute eLearning Iris Course for all staff
- Menopause at Work resources
- NHS England menopause guidance
- Skills for Care menopause guidance
- New workplace menopause advice: an employer’s guide
- Menopause in the workplace: Guidance for employers
- Menopause in the workplace (CIPD)
The Menopause Workplace Pledge is a Wellbeing of Women initiative, that aims to encourage employers to support everyone going through the menopause in the workplace.
There are no standards to be measured against, and neither is there a charge or expectation of any assessment internal or external.
The Trust has signed the Pledge and by doing so, is recognised as an employer who meets the criteria below:
- recognising the menopause can be an issue in the workplace and women need support
- talking openly, positively and respectfully about the menopause
- actively supporting and informing employees affected by the menopause
UPDATE: New menopause related sickness reason on Health Roster
With the new upgrade users can now choose a Menopause related sickness reason. You can select any of the following reasons for sickness and then indicate whether the sickness reason is related to the Menopause by selecting the ‘Unavailability Related Reason’ of Menopause. This applies to the sickness reasons: S10 Anxiety, S29 Nervous system disorder, S16 Headache/Migraine, S26 Gyne, S19 Heart/Cardiac.
Menopause Cafe
We also hold Menopause Cafés in order to create a supportive culture where staff feel comfortable and able to talk about how it is affecting them, their friends, their families and their colleagues.
The sessions will be led by specialists from within the Trust and cover a range of topics including symptoms, guidance and self-care for individuals, guidance for managers as well as supporting menopause in the workplace.
Next Menopause Cafe Meeting
- 17 July 12.30pm – 1.30pm via MS Teams
Get in touch for Menopause Cafe information
Watch the menopause conference video
Additional support and advice
- Pelvic Floor Presentation by Nadine Ranger
- Vaginal atrophy presentation by Karen Garrett March
- Menopause and the workplace: how to enable fulfilling working lives
- Balance Menopause
- Guide for Managers
- Women’s experience of working through the menopause
- Clinic51
- Brighton and Hove Healthy Lifestyles Team: Exercises and Recipes for Menopause
- Contact [email protected] for Menopause friendly recipes
- Check out the Menopause at Work free online platform to see what is included for individuals and workplaces, and book your place on our next training courses and Health Walks
NHS One You
Making better choices today can have a big impact on your health. NHS One You is here to help you get healthier and feel better with free tips, tools and support.
Whether it’s moving more, eating more healthily or checking yourself – One You can help you make small, practical changes that fit in with your life.
Visit the One You website to find out more
Digital Weight Management Support
This programme is available for NHS colleagues living with obesity and provides support needed to stay healthy and active.
The programme offers free, online access to a 12-week management programme which is designed to be personally tailored to support you on your journey to a healthier lifestyle. As a digital programme, it can be used anywhere, allowing you to complete the programme in your own time, at a pace that works for you. Find out more details on the NHS England website.
Diabetes Prevention Programme
The Healthier You programme can help those with diabetes to improve their diet, get more physically active, and achieve a healthy weight with an aim to support you on your journey back to a Healthier You.
You can find out if you’re at risk of developing type 2 diabetes using the Diabetes UK risk tool – it only takes a few minutes and could be the most important thing you do today. If your score comes back as a ‘moderate’ or ‘high’ risk, you’ll be invited to sign up to your free local Healthier You programme. Search ‘Know Your Risk’ or visit riskscore.diabetes.org.uk to find out more.
Stopping Smoking services
Brighton and Hove Smoking Cessation Services
For staff living in the Brighton and Hove postcode, stop smoking support is available at your local Pharmacy. Find out where you can get help to stop smoking, including support to quit at home and information and advice on stop smoking treatments and e-cigarettes.
East Sussex Smoking Cessation Services
One You East Sussex stop smoking advisors can support you throughout your quit attempt. We will see you (up to a maximum of 12 appointments) to help you remain smoke free. You are four times more likely to quit for good with support.
West Sussex Smoking Cessation Services
There are Stop Smoking services all across the West Sussex area, support is available to help you quit. Tailored advice from trained advisors in your local Wellbeing teams, GP surgeries and pharmacies is available either face-to-face or over the telephone. You are three times more likely to be a successful quitter if you have professional support from an advisor, compared to trying alone. So, don’t give up on giving up. Find your local Stop Smoking service, they are ready to support you on your quitting journey.
UHSussex Smoking Cessation drop-in sessions
In October 2023 we piloted Smoking Cessation drop-in sessions at St Richard’s:
- Sessions provided by the workplace health lead from the Chichester Wellbeing Team
- 5 members of staff booked and attended, and all committed to a supported quit attempt
- We look forward to hearing how they have got on in a couple of months’ time, and whether they have managed to become smokefree
- The smoking advisor will be returning for another drop-in session at St Richard’s in January. We are exploring opportunities to provide staff drop-ins at other sites
For further information please contact Janice Britz, Tobacco Dependency Programme Manager – [email protected]