Neurosurgery (brain surgery), is the medical specialty that treats disorders which affect any portion of the nervous system including the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system (part of your nervous system that lies outside your brain and spinal cord).
We are an integral part of the major trauma centre, and treat patients with head and spinal injuries. As some of these conditions are complex, we work with specialist teams from areas such as ear, nose and throat, maxillofacial and plastic surgery.
We also work closely with the neuro-theatre teams and the neuro-radiology unit, who offer specialised imaging techniques to diagnosis and treat neurological conditions.
Our services treat:
- brain and spinal tumors
- spinal surgery
- cerebral aneurysms (blood vessels in the brain)
- arterio-venous malformation (an abnormal tangle of blood vessels connecting arteries and veins, which disrupts normal blood flow and oxygen circulation)
- pituitary (also known as the ‘master gland’, this monitors and regulates many bodily functions through the hormones it produces
- neuro-vascular conditions (a condition that affects the blood supply in the brain or spinal cord)
- hydrocephalus (build up of fluid in the brain)
- skull base tumors
When it is appropriate, as a multi-disciplinary team, you will start your rehabilitation alongside our specialist physiotherapy, speech and language and occupational therapists.
We have excellent links with our neuro-rehabilitation Unit (Sussex Rehab Centre), neuropsychology and neurology consultants.
Referrals to Neurosurgery – Clinician use only
Neurosurgery is only available at the Royal Sussex County Hospital.
Please complete the Neuroscience Spinal Oncology MDT referral form to refer patients to our service.
Where we are
Royal Sussex County Hospital
Level 9A and B at the Louisa Martindale Building
01273 523173