Midwife led units
Midwife-led units are designed to support low risk pregnant women and people to have normal births without medical intervention.
Chichester Birth Centre
Based on our St Richard’s site in Chichester, the centre is situated alongside the labour ward. It offers midwifery led care for low-risk women and people in labour who want a homely relaxing environment for giving birth. There are two rooms in the birth centre with birthing pools. If you develop any problems during your labour the main labour ward is just seconds away.
How to find us
Chichester Birth Centre is in the West Wing of the hospital. It is located on the third floor. If driving, the best entrance is the one of off Spitalfield Lane which has the closest parking. The unit is secure so you will have to press the buzzer for access.
Map and directions to St Richard’s HospitalAlternative midwife led units are in Eastbourne and Crowborough. Talk to your midwife for more information.
Consultant obstetric led units
Hospital births are recommended for pregnant women and people who have certain medical conditions or obstetric concerns.
Royal Sussex County Hospital (Brighton)
We are experienced at looking after pregnant women and people with both complicated and low risk pregnancies. A midwife will care for you throughout your time on labour ward. A consultant is on-call 24 hours if needed. We are a training hospital and you may be asked if a student midwife or medical student can observe and take part in your care under supervision. We will always ask permission for a student to be present, and it is not a problem if you decline this offer.
How to find us
Maternity is in the Thomas Kemp tower. The Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU), antenatal clinic and triage and the postnatal ward are on level 12 and the labour ward is on level 13.
Getting to Royal Sussex County HospitalPrincess Royal Hospital (Haywards Heath)
We are experienced at looking after pregnant women and people with both complicated and low risk pregnancies. A midwife will care for you throughout your time on labour ward. A consultant is on-call 24 hours if needed.
All our labour rooms are en-suite, and we have two birthing pool rooms. You are encouraged to be as mobile as possible during labour. There are lots of birthing balls, bean bags and birthing mats available to help an active labour. We also have a specialist obstetric theatre and recovery beds on the ward for both elective (planned) and emergency care.
How to find us
The antenatal clinic is in the day hospital at the front of the hospital. The rest of our maternity services are based in the main hospital building. If you are coming to hospital in labour when the main entrance is closed, please use the A&E entrance. The Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU), Bolney Ward (antenatal and postnatal) and Central Delivery Suite are on the second floor of the main hospital.
Getting to Princess Royal HospitalWorthing Hospital
We are experienced at looking after pregnant women and people with both complicated and low risk pregnancies. If you decide to give birth in the hospital, a team of midwives and doctors will look after you. We aim to offer one to one midwifery care during labour. If any complications occur, doctors are available 24 hours a day.
Worthing Hospital offers a variety of birthing options including a birthing pool, a 24-hour epidural service and an operating theatre if needed for planned and emergency deliveries.
How to find us
Maternity is on the first floor of the East Wing where you’ll find the delivery suite and Bramber ward. From the main entrance the East Wing is clearly signposted in light blue signage. Once in the East Wing take the lifts to the first floor. The unit is secure so you will have to press the buzzer for access.
View 3D tours of Worthing maternity unit
St Richard’s Hospital (Chichester)
We are experienced at looking after pregnant women and people with both complicated and low risk pregnancies. If you decide to give birth in the hospital, a team of midwives and doctors will look after you. We aim to offer one to one midwifery care during labour. If any complications occur, doctors are available 24 hours a day. St Richard’s Hospital offers a variety of birthing options including a birthing pool, a 24-hour epidural service and an operating theatre if needed for planned and emergency deliveries.
How to find us
Our Labour Ward at St Richard’s Hospital is located in the west wing.