Twins and multiples are often born early and may need special care after birth. In many cases you still have a choice about how you would like to give birth.
The NHS website has information on your birth options if you are having more than one baby
We will make sure that you are given correct information to make a well-informed decision around your birth. You will agree a plan of care with your consultant and midwife.
You should be offered a planned birth before your due date.
Please call the maternity assessment unit (triage) when you have any signs of labour so we can assess the well-being of both you and your babies.
Caesarean section
More than half of twins and almost all triplets (and more) are delivered by caesarean in the UK.
Having a Caesarean sectionVaginal birth
What to expect
When you are settled in the labour room, we may do an ultrasound scan to check the position of twin one.
During labour you will be cared for 1:1 by a midwife. When you are about to give birth there will be more clinicians in the room to support both you and the babies when they are born.
We will monitor both babies’ heart rates continuously using a CTG machine.
After your first baby is born, your midwife or doctor will check the position of your second baby by feeling your tummy and doing a vaginal examination. They may do an ultrasound scan to check if your second baby is in a good position to be born. Your second baby will usually be born within an hour of your first.
If there is a delay, we may recommend that your waters be broken, and you might need a hormone drip to help contractions continue.
To help the delivery of the placenta(s) we would recommend the use of a hormone injection and a hormone drip. This is because of an increased risk of bleeding with a multiple birth, because the placental site is larger.
As with any pregnancy, if you plan a vaginal birth, you may still end up needing an emergency caesarean.