nurse and patient

About research and innovation

Research is essential in finding out which treatments work better for our patients.

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Information for researchers and healthcare professionals

Find out how we can help you to set up and run a research study, develop your ideas or apply for a range of clinical research training opportunities.

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Information for patients and members of the public

Patients and members of the public are invited to take part in our vital research activity to improve the care that we all receive.

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Our current research

We are pleased to highlight some of the current research the Trust is leading or participating in, and hope that you will find the information useful.

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Research events

Our calendar of events: research mini seminars, talks and conferences are held regularly within the Trust.

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Contact us

Get in touch with our research team.


Spotlight Sessions

Here we spotlight some of our researchers and clinical trials. Learn more about them, including their inspirations and plans for the future.

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