Released 7 July 2023
For the following calendar years; 2023 (up to date), 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 please provide the following information broken down by calendar year.
- How many appointment requests for coil fittings did your trust receive?
- How many appointment requests for coil removals did your trust receive?
- How many Intrauterine device (IUD) fittings were performed by your trust?
- How many Intrauterine device (IUD) removals were performed by your trust?
- What was the average wait time for a patient to have a Intrauterine device (IUD) fitted?
- What was the average wait time for a patient to have a Intrauterine device (IUD) removed?
- How many complaints did your trust received regarding coil fittings?
- How many complaints did your trust received regarding coil removals?
Assistance provided to applicant under section 16 [duty to assist] on 9 June 2023:
Please can you confirm if you require information on coils which are fitted for contraceptive purposes only or if you also require information on coils fitted for other reasons?
When deciding on the above can you please be aware that there is a significant difference between the average wait times for coil fitting for contraceptive reasons and the wait time for other reasons. If we were to report an average for all coil fittings for question 5, this difference will skew the available data and the resultant average wait time is unlikely to be representative of the true wait time for either service.
The Gynaecology service have advised that the average wait time for patients being fitted with a coil through them, for non-contraceptive reasons is not likely to be representative of actual wait times as patients often choose to delay an appointment due to medical reasons such as pregnancy, risk of pregnancy etc.
We would advise if you require a response that is truly representative of wait times that you limit your request to coils fitted for contraceptive purposes only through the Sexual Health service.
Response received 9 June 2023:
Can you please provide answers to the questions both from sexual health services and an overall figure. Having both of these will be useful.
Please present the data separately.
Information disclosed:
Whilst we are in the process of aligning services under the merged Trust, Sexual Health services and Gynaecology continue to function individually using separate reporting systems. As a result we will need to report for each service separately as the data available is recorded consistently across the services. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.
Our response relative to Sexual Health services provided by the Trust in the Brighton and Hove area is provided below:
1 and 2. This information is not recorded separately and is therefore considered not held by the Trust and not available under the terms of the Act at this time.
3. Please see the table below for information relevant to this part of your request. Please note these figure represent both IUD and IUS devices. The system in use records information by financial year and it has been reported accordingly:
Year | Number of Insertions |
2018 | 1101 |
2019 | 1169 |
2020 | 942 |
2021 | 1101 |
2022 | 1195 |
2023 (to date) | 340 (to end of March) |
4. Please see the table below for information relevant to this part of your request. Please note these figures represent both IUD and IUS devices and include removals and re-fittings:
Year | Number of removals |
2018 | 475 |
2019 | 529 |
2020 | 513 |
2021 | 622 |
2022 | 728 |
2023 (to date) | 223 (to end March) |
5. Please see the table below for information relevant to this part of your request. This information is based on time to next available appointment, which is recorded weekly. The Service does not currently capture individual wait times:
Year | Median – actual days |
2018 | 7 |
2019 | 15 |
2020 | * See note |
2021 | 8 |
2022 | 6 |
2023 (to date) | 6.5 |
6. This data is not recorded separately as the procedure is performed in a routine clinic and usually performed within 2 days, this information is therefore not held by the Trust and not available under the terms of the Act at this time.
7 and 8. Our complaints team have confirmed there are no complaints logged with the keyword “coil” used throughout the period of your request.
Our response relative to Sexual Health services provided by the Trust in Worthing, Chichester and Crawley is provided below:
1 and 2. This information is not recorded separately and is therefore considered not held by the Trust and not available under the terms of the Act at this time.
3. Please see the table below for information relevant to this part of your request. Please note these figure represent both IUD and IUS devices and include removals and re-fittings:
Year | Number of insertions |
2018 | 892 |
2019 | 1056 |
2020 | 1075 |
2021 | 1702 |
2022 | 1899 |
2023 (to date) | 951 |
4. Please see the table below for information relevant to this part of your request. Please note these figure represent both IUD and IUS devices and include removals and re-fittings:
Year | Number of removals |
2018 | 540 |
2019 | 638 |
2020 | 741 |
2021 | 1079 |
2022 | 1031 |
2023 (to date) | 483 |
5. Please see the table below for information relevant to this part of your request. This information is based on calendar days including weekends and bank holidays:
Year | Average wait in days |
2018 | 13.9 |
2019 | 20.0 |
2020 | 20.4 |
2021 | 24.9 |
2022 | 22.5 |
2023 (to date) | 21.3 |
6. This data is not recorded separately as the procedure is performed in a routine clinic and usually performed within 2 days, this information is therefore not held by the Trust and not available under the terms of the Act at this time.
7 and 8. Our complaints team have confirmed there are no complaints logged with the keyword “coil” used throughout the period of your request.
Our response relative to Gynaecology services provided by University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust is provided below:
1 and 2. Referrals are not specifically recorded in our Patient Administration System, this information is therefore considered not held by the Trust and not available under the terms of the Act at this time.
3. Please see the table below for information relevant to this part of your request. Please note these figures represent both IUD and IUS devices and as removals and re-fittings are classed as an insertion only, figures are not double counted:
Year | Number of insertions |
2018 | 863 |
2019 | 1119 |
2020 | 1000 |
2021 | 971 |
2022 | 1290 |
2023 (to 31 May) | 475 |
4. Please see the table below for information relevant to this part of your request. Please note these figures represent both IUD and IUS devices and as removals and re-fittings are classed as an insertion only, figures are not double counted:
Year | Number of removals |
2018 | 394 |
2019 | 493 |
2020 | 427 |
2021 | 389 |
2022 | 449 |
2023 (to 31 May) | 187 |
5 and 6. Please note waiting times for specific procedures are not recorded with our Patient Administration System. Patients may be under the care of the service for years and have items fitted at regular check up appointments. This information is therefore not held by the Trust and not available under the terms of the Act at this time.
7 and 8. Our complaints team have confirmed there are no complaints logged with the keyword “coil” used throughout the period of your request