This is a new network that leads on religion or belief issues in the Trust and local health community and we work in partnership with faith groups and various organisations.
We ensure that UHSussex supports and encourages all colleagues and patients in their spiritual wellbeing. Our colleagues/patients have a safe space within our chaplaincy, chapels and prayer rooms where they can explore their concerns and anxieties without fear of judgement.
We are committed to equality and support our colleagues and patients is various ways such as the creation of the Sanctuary at Worthing hospital and provision of ablution facilities for Muslims. A new temporary sanctuary space has also been created at the Royal Sussex County Hospital. We support our Muslim colleagues during Ramadan with water and dates.
Contact the network
Religion and Belief Network meeting
Monday 22 July
11.00am to 12.00pm
The Boardroom at Trust Head Quarters, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton
This will be a hybrid meeting, and you can choose to attend in-person or online via MSTeams.
Some catering will be provided (tea/coffee/biscuits)
An agenda will also follow.