These values are embedded in the way we run our hospitals. We work with our patients as partners to understand and meet their individual needs. We also work with community groups and local partner organisations to make sure services meet the needs of our local communities.
Legislation and regulations
Equality Act 2010
The Equality Act 2010 simplified and harmonised previous equality legislation. The Act provides a framework for removing discrimination in UK society. It requires public sector organisations to show how they are promoting and delivering equality.
Human Rights Act 1998
The Human Rights Act ensures that a minimum standard of living can be guaranteed for all those residing in the UK. It localises the rights written in the European Convention on Human Rights (1950), and all UK laws must be compatible with the Act.
Gender Recognition Act 2004
The Gender Recognition Act provides people who are transitioning from their birth gender to their acquired gender, full legal recognition and safeguards to protect their privacy.
Health and Social Care Act
The Health and Social Care Act details how health and social care will be delivered in the UK.
Your rights under the Accessible Information Standard.
Professional codes of conduct
- General Medical Council: Good Medical Practice
- General Pharmaceutical Council: Standards for Pharmacy Professionals
- Health and Care Professions Council: Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics
- Nursing and Midwifery Council: The Code
NHS Constitution
The NHS Constitution explains what staff, patients and the public can expect from the National Health Service.
Easy Read version of the constitution
Our policies and guidelines
Our equality policies
- Equality, diversity and human rights policy
- Supporting staff and patients’ language and communication needs policy
- Privacy, dignity and chaperone policy
Acas guidelines
These guidelines are produced by Acas and relate to our role as an employer.