All our classes are free and are for everyone who is booked to have a baby at one of our hospitals. We offer antenatal classes relating to the end of your pregnancy, birthing and feeding your baby. You can either book your Antenatal classes through the link below or via the link on your Badger Net App at 28 weeks pregnant.
Face to face antenatal classes
You are welcome to bring a partner or supporter to these classes.
General antenatal classes
Classes are split into 3 parts run separately. They should be attended in order:
- End of pregnancy
- Birth preparation and support
- Hormones
- Birth place and environment
- Stages of labour
- When to call
- Birthing
- Induction of labour
- Assisted birth and caesarean birth
- Coping strategies – pain relief
- Early postnatal hours
- Introduction to feeding
- Postnatal care
- Community support
- In this course we will discuss all you need to know to get your infant feeding journey off to the best start. We will cover attachment and positioning, how to overcome common challenges, understanding how your body makes milk and how to tell if your baby is getting enough.
- We will also talk about the fourth trimester, normal new-born behaviour and much more!
Twins or more antenatal class
If you have having twins or more babies you can just attend this class to get all the information you need about end of pregnancy, birth and postnatal care.
- End of pregnancy
- Birth preparation and support
- Hormones
- Birth environment
- Stages of labour
- When to call
- Birthing
- Induction of labour
- Assisted birth and caesarean birth
- Coping strategies – pain relief
- Early postnatal hours
- Introduction to feeding
- Postnatal care
- Community support
Virtual antenatal classes
Many of our classes are also run virtually every month using Microsoft Teams. We also occasionally run Facebook ‘live’ sessions on our UHSussex Maternity Facebook page.
Homebirth class (virtual)
This session is for you if you:
- already know you would like a home birth or are not sure and you want more information to help you decide
- want a home birth, but your partner/mother is not keen and you would like them to feel reassured and to have more information
- have already had a home birth but feel you could do with a reminder
- are wondering what you might need
- want some top tips.
Visit eventbrite to see what is available for your area or the unit you wish to give birth at.