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Staff Vaccination Survey, vaccines elsewhere / decline form
If you choose to decline your boosters, or accessed in the community – please let us know for our records. It means we can be sure you were aware of the chance to be vaccinated. You can do this via the vaccines elsewhere or decline form or using the QR code.
Vaccines elsewhere or decline formVaccine roll-out
Flu and Covid/booster jabs for frontline health and care workers are now available, including substantive staff, active locum and bank workers, volunteers, students, and those on honorary contracts. As a priority group, there are no age restrictions.
You can receive a Covid-19 booster up to 3 months (91 days) after your previous dose. If you have recently had Covid, you need to wait until 4 weeks after infection.
Access your vaccinations
This year’s autumn flu and COVID-19 vaccine programme started earlier than planned in England as a precautionary measure following the identification of a new COVID-19 variant.
The decision meant those most at risk from winter illness – including people in care homes for older people, the clinically vulnerable, those aged 65 and over, health and social care staff, and carers – were able to access the vaccines from September 11th at designated community hubs and pharmacies.
UHSussex winter vaccination programme will launch on Monday 9 October. Work is continuing on a booking system that will enable a slot on days that vaccinations are being given. Until then all staff are being asked to go along and get their free flu and covid vaccines at our vaccination hubs at RSCH, PRH, Southlands, Worthing or SRH sites. Please see the intranet for information on dates and clinic locations.
Please do remember your NHS number & ESR payroll number. You can access your 10 digit NHS number, via NHS app, NHS.UK website or from your GP.
Vaccines in the community are bookable via NHS app/website.
Please let us know if you have been vaccinated outside of work or are choosing to decline via the vaccines elsewhere or decline form.
Contact your GP
You can also contact your GP and make it clear that you’re a health and care worker for priority vaccination.
Some pharmacies offer a flu and Covid vaccination service.
More information
Why do I need a vaccine?
Vaccines are the most effective way to protect yourself, your family, your colleagues, and your patients.
Can I have a flu and covid vaccine together?
Getting both vaccines at the same time if you are due both is an option, this maybe more convenient than having two separate visits.
I have already had my vaccines in the community do I need to let the Trust know?
Yes, please let us know if you had the vaccine in the community via the decline form or this QR code.
Please email [email protected] for help.